No, each person is one specific Enneagram number/type, but they do have the ability to access different numbers in specific situations. Each person can practice and learn how to access other numbers. While one can go to another number or “visit” that number, they will always return home to their own number. For example, if you are a 3 and your spouse is a 9, you might learn about the 9 tendencies and meet your spouse on their level when in conflict in order to have an empathetic and different perspective than your own. But that doesn’t make you a 9. You are still a 3 who has learned how to relate to a 9. Again, a very quick answer to a complicated question.
This 7 session course is packed with discovery and tools for your Enneagram growth. It includes 2 typing assessments/typing confirmation sessions and 5 coaching sessions. This course is designed as the first step for any individual with zero to moderate understanding of the Enneagram and would like to begin their deep dive into their Enneagram number.
Curriculum is as follows:
- Session 1: Typing Assessment 1 (2 hours)
- Session 2: Typing Assessment 2 (2 hours)
- Session 3: Enneagram Overview and the “4th Way” explanation, Specific Enneagram Number Overview, Core Motivations, the 4 paths of Growth, and Internal Messages (90 min)
- Session 4: Triads, The Hidden/Shadow Side, Relationship Growth, and How to combat the internal messages (90 min)
- Session 5: Wings, Alignment and Self Correction (90 min)
- Session 6: Childhood Patterns, Childhood Messages/Wounds, and Defense Mechanisms (90 min)
- Session 7: Transformation and Growth into Your Healthiest Path (90 min)
This 6 session course is a continuum of the Enneagram Journey toward Growth course and is designed for deeper understanding and exploration of one’s Enneagram number. Each Enneagram type has 3 subtypes which is related to 1 of 3 Instinctive Responses. This course will include a subtype assessment as well as the study of other deeper levels of the Enneagram. The ideal client for this course will be ready to take a more intensive and personal look at their Enneagram type and have a strong interest in growth development.
Curriculum is as follows:
- Session 1: Overview and Review of Enneagram (90 min)
- Session 2: History of the Enneagram (90 min)
- Session 3: Instincts and Subtypes with Assessment (2 hours)
- Session 4: Enneagram Virtues
- Session 5: Moving into Presence 1 (90 min)
- Session 6. Moving into Presence 2 (90 min)
This client specific course is designed for the individual who desires a deeper look into the Enneagram and is ready to grow in their ability to live in presence with God, others and themselves. The intensive curriculum is based upon the client’s goals and understanding of the Enneagram and will include a book study, journaling, self reflection, and weekly challenges. The ideal client will have a solid understanding of the Enneagram, know their dominant Enneagram number, understand their Intelligence Center and know how and when to access both of their wings. They should know their 4 Growth Paths and spend most of their time operating in the healthier 2 of their 4 paths with the understanding of how to recognise and re-align when operating in their unhealthy paths.
This client specific course is designed for the individual who desires personal growth in the following key areas: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relational. Your coach will guide, challenge and support you using the understanding of your specific Enneagram number and how that impacts your strengths, weaknesses and blocks in each of these areas. Clients may request coaching on specific life changes such a career, relationships or the possibility of a residential move or lifestyle. Using the Enneagram to help decode hopes, dreams, and struggles, the client will be able to truly grow in a way that works uniquely for them and has life-long benefits.
Contact us for more information about our Enneagram courses and we will be in touch shorly.
What clients are saying:
“I’m such a fan of Anna and her coaching abilities! I had taken several Enneagram tests with results differing each time and I was left to feel like it just wouldn’t work for me and I’d likely never know my Enneagram number. Anna spent hours with me testing and evaluating and now I fell confident that we have accurately arrived at a number. So much more than that though we were able to dive in to how I can grow and what my strengths and weaknesses are. As a leader and a parent I find it very helpful for those around me when I choose to grow myself. I highly recommend Anna!! “
Billings, Montana